SkyFire Taiko

Nancy Mullick

Nancy first saw taiko in Yellowknife at Folk on the Rocks in 2008. She has been playing taiko drums since 2009 and has studied with some of Canada’s top professional taiko groups – Uzume Taiko, Fubuki Daiko and Booming Tree Taiko – as well as Wadaiko Tokara in Japan. Taiko gives her an incredibly creative outlet to explore sound and movement, silence and breath, power and finesse. She is co-founder of SkyFire Taiko. 

Kevin Cull

A co-founder of SkyFire Taiko, Kevin brings a diverse musical background and decades of martial arts experience to the taiko mix. He’s been especially drawn to drums since he was a kid, and has been learning about taiko from Nancy since late 2014. Between taiko practices, Kevin can be found teaching taekwondo, training in judo, and exploring the Yellowknife outdoors through a host of activities. 

Leslie Gray

Once upon a time, at the Grade Six band tryout, Leslie asked to be the drummer. They gave her the oboe. Twenty years later, Nancy made Leslie’s dream come true by inviting her to try taiko. Love with every strike, she enjoys the physically demanding practice that combines voice and choreography into the rhythms that completely absorb her. Playing since 2018, Leslie hopes to one day travel to Japan to deepen her practice.


The Spirit of the South Seas


Press Release: Celebrate Canada Day virtually and support frontline healthcare heroes